Cherokee anomie, 1794-1910
essay 1984 McLoughlin, William Gerald et al.

CherokeeNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
Following an era of intermittent warfare from 1776 to 1794 which decimated the Cherokee population, and a period of intense acculturaltion after 1789 that basically doomed their traditional way of life, a cultural conflict took place within the natio...

The Cherokee Ghost Dance movement of 1811-1813
essay 1984 McLoughlin, William Gerald et al.

CherokeeNorth America > Eastern Woodlands
This essay attempts to coordinate the few documentary accounts that are available concerning the Cherokee movement known as the 'Ghost Dance' and to match them with models that A .F .C. Wallace, Peter Worsley, and Kenelm Burridge have devised to deli...